This is How I Fight My Momma Battles: How Not to Lose Yourself in Your Kids

Black Excellence, Dreams, Growth, Health, Inspiration, Marriage, Maturity, Motherhood, Relationships, Review, Self improvement, Self-worth, Soul, Spirit, Value, Vision, Wellness, Womanhood / Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

Often times, we’re reflecting on what we would tell our younger selves based on what we’ve learned through the trials and triumphs of life. We often want to go back and tell our younger, more naive, inexperienced, and perhaps overly zealous selves that we should be confident in who we are, don’t be in a hurry to accomplish everything because it’ll all work out, and all the other beautiful truths life has a way of revealing to us along the journey. However, for this topic—I don’t want to go back in time and tell my younger self anything. Quite the contrary, actually: When it comes to making sure we don’t lose ourselves in the new roles we step into over time (specifically mommahood), I would love to take a lesson from younger Bri. I know she would tell me to never let go of who I am, my desires, my passions, my natural interests, and who I was called to be. She would encourage me to go after the community, the calling, the dreams that are all connected to fulfilling my destiny in a way unlike anything else. She would tell me that taking her advice wouldn’t just be to make me ‘happy,’ but rather, it’d serve as the best example for my girls that I’m rearing because I’d want them to be able to do the same. And you know what, younger Bri didn’t have all the right answers; but in this case, knowing what I know about purpose and calling, and fulfillment, I’d gladly and most definitely take her advice on this one.

I pray this video encourages you—especially my Mommas—to recall the woman you were when you truly began to walk this thing out. When you first began discovering who you truly were and what you loved and the interests you’ve always had. Don’t lose touch with that woman. She’s called to tap into those desires and pursue those passions for a purpose. Whether it be a business, a hobby, or a volunteer effort in the community, be sure to give yourself an opportunity to reach your fullest potential just like you’re giving your children the same opportunity.

So what does that look like practically?

  • Spend an hour each day on YOU. Are you interested in starting something new? Writing a book? Starting a business? Planning or coordinating a monthly small group? Well, every day can be an opportunity to plan towards that be it spending quiet time journaling about it, devoting that hour to actually writing out a plan for it to be a reality, or simply researching more about it and getting a little more familiar with whatever it is you call your interest.
  • Don’t have an hour each day? Weekly then. Spend time every week on YOU. Do you absolutely love volunteering and mentoring at that nonprofit on the weekends? Are you curious to see how getting a new license or degree would help further you in your goals of being an instructor or a coach or a certified professional in your field? Then spend the time weekly pursuing that, so you can see yourself going and growing further every week.
  • Keep whatever it is on your heart in front of you. Write down your goals and your dreams. Think about them often. Share them with the ones you love and make it known that this is apart of you. When you do this, you begin to self-manifest the very things you want to see happen in your life concerning the dreams and aspirations of your heart. They become more real and you begin to hold yourself accountable as do others because you’ve made it apart of your conversation.
  • In context of your kids: raise them, give them everything they need physically & emotionally, but be sure to schedule and coordinate “me-time” that allows you the precious opportunity to spend time with and for yourself which allows you to stay connected to who you are at the core.

When your kids are of age, they’re not going to place blame or guilt on you for taking time to live life fully. They’re going to rise up and call you blessed because you managed to be an incredible mother, an amazing wife, but most notably I think—a phenomenal woman who was confident in what she had to offer & who God created her to be!

Happy Dreaming & Pursuing,
